Hi, I'am

Rishikesh Anandh


Hi, My name is Rishikesh Anandh. I'am from Kerala, India. I am a 14yrs old high school boy. I like to play video games and eat chocolates. My favourite subjects in school include Maths and Sceince. I am someone who likes, loves or is enthusiastic about technology basically a Technophile. I started programming in 2020, my favourite programming language is Python.


Flappy Bird

Flappy Bird is a clone of a popular game made with python and pygame.

Tell me a joke

A website that can make you laugh. Made with simple JS & HTML, CSS

Mark Register

A simple mark register made with Python. It uses SQL DB to store data.

Github Profile

A react app which can fetch github user profile and show their followers, name,website,etc.

Barinshop Package

It is an api wrapper for Brainshop.io made using python.